jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

Hello, my name is Ana Karina Carrasco Ramos

Study Veterinary Medicine in Universisty of Chile, I`m in second year my career.

I`m 22 years old, I live in Codegua all my life (City Rancagua ). I also have a beautiful son called Tomas, has 2 years old.

I like listen and dance all type of music.

In my house I have 8 pets : 5 cats and 3 dogs, my dog prefered is called Maily.

This blogger hepl me to learn more english languaje, because this languaje is a more dificult for me.

Well, this is a little of my life, I hope you have liked!! bye.... !

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2009

My favorite piece of technology

Well, my favorite piece of technology is the televishion!!
I really love. I like any type of program that can give including: documentary, films (including children), music videos, Comedies, in end all. : )
The TV this in my house, in the dining, in the piece of my father and my mother, in the piece of my sister. Less in my piece (that hurt)!!!
The form of using the TV is very easy, alone is connect the cable of the TV to plug. There are also different forms of turn the TV, through of remote control (is the much like me) or the traditional form than is tour the TV directly.
Mmmm!!! In reality not use both now that I´m in class, however on vacation I see all the afternoon.

One reason because I like the tv, is because distracted me, when I´m stressed therefore be studied and by entertainment.

My life without TV? Not!!!!!!! I think it is the best invention of man.

Well, us see in the next chapter !!

Bye ! : )