jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

Hello, my name is Ana Karina Carrasco Ramos

Study Veterinary Medicine in Universisty of Chile, I`m in second year my career.

I`m 22 years old, I live in Codegua all my life (City Rancagua ). I also have a beautiful son called Tomas, has 2 years old.

I like listen and dance all type of music.

In my house I have 8 pets : 5 cats and 3 dogs, my dog prefered is called Maily.

This blogger hepl me to learn more english languaje, because this languaje is a more dificult for me.

Well, this is a little of my life, I hope you have liked!! bye.... !

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi ANA!!! jajaja
    your blog is very pink.
    soon upload a video of naruto in my blog
    to have a look

    see youy!
    good bye

  2. Hello Karinaaa!!

    how are you??...your blog is very beautiful =D.... i hope that you visit !!!!

    regards :D

